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Statistical processing

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Government Finances
Jeppe Føge Jensen
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Key Figures for Municipalities Accounts

The key figures are prepared by applying tables from the database StatBank Denmark and from figures for price- and pay adjustments from the Ministry for the Interior and Housing.

Source data

The key figures use data from the following tables REGK4, REGK11, REGK31, REGK100, FOLK1 and UDDAKT20 from the database StatBank Denmark.

Frequency of data collection

The key figures are solely complied of the data from other statistics.

Data collection

Data are extracted from the following tables REGK4, REGK11, REGK31, REGK100, FOLK1A and UDDAKT20 from the database StatBank Denmark.

Data validation

There is no data validation.

Data compilation

Data processing are conducted in a SAS-program, where data are extracted from the tables REGK4, REGK11, REGK31, REGK100, FOLK1A and UDDAKT20 from the database StatBank Denmark and the calculations are made. The calculations of each key figure is available in the section of Data description.


No adjustments are made other than those already described under data validation and data compilation.