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Government FinancesJeppe Føge Jensen
+45 40 22 58 23
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The key figures open up the possibility of making comparisons across municipalities. Figures must be interpreted with caution due to both changes in the compilation methods and in the municipal accounting system. Further information with regard to the figures underlying the key figures, including the detailed municipality accounts is available from the database StatBank Denmark.
User Needs
The key figures are assumed to be of interest to the news media, citizens and municipalities and partly other public authorities, e.g. ministries and government agencies as well as interest organisations and business enterprises.
User Satisfaction
Municipalities and other users have provided informal feedback on the key figures, which has been followed up on.
Data completeness rate
The key figures are selected indicators from data available in the database StatBank Denmark. A great variety of other related key figures can be compiled on the basis of municipality accounts and other data from StatBank Denmark.