Statistical presentation
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Government FinancesJesper Lillebro Feddersen
+45 20 51 61 92
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The compilation of consolidated gross debt at nominal value for general government is sometimes referred to as EMU-debt/government debt. The deficit is sometimes referred to as the EMU-deficit/government deficit. Government deficit and debt in EU was first published in spring 2003. Covering data on ESA2010 back from 2010, at the moment. Danish Government deficit and debt was first published in fall 2004. Covering data on ESA2010 back from 2000.
Data description
The compilation of consolidated gross debt at nominal value for general government is sometimes referred to as EMU-debt or government debt.
The deficit is sometimes referred to as the EMU-deficit or government deficit.
Government deficit and debt in the EU-countries was published for the first time in 2020. Before that The Danish government deficit and debt was published - for the first time in 2004, covering data back to 2000. Government deficit and debt in EU was first published in 2003, covering data back to 2004.
Quarterly Danish EMU-debt contains data in DKK billion and is disseminated in the StatBank table EDP5. Government debt is compiled at nominal value (current prices).
Government deficit and debt in the EU-countries contain data for all EU Member States and are specified in mill. euro, in mill. Danish kroner (only for Denmark) and in percent of GDP. These are disseminated in the StatBank tables EDP1. The sum of the EU members debt is not equal EU-27’s debt. This is due to consolidation of internal EU-debt in the EU-27 numbers.
Classification system
General government sector.
Sector coverage
General government sector and the three subsectors: central government, local government and social security funds.
Statistical concepts and definitions
EMU-debt and EMU-deficit : * Government deficit and debt are defined on the basis of the guidelines in the ENS2010, as net borrowing and specific debt items of the general government sector. The financial instruments are: currency and deposits (AF.2), securities other thamh shares (AF.3) and loans (AF.4)
The EMU-deficit is also available on subsector level on the website of public finances ( finanser). The three subsectors of the general government are: central government, local government and social security funds.
Statistical unit
EMU-debt and EMU-deficit (government debt and deficit) contains data for Denmark and are specified in mill. kroner and in percent of GDP.
The quarterly EMU-debt contains data in bill. kroner (EDP5). Government debt is compiled at nominal value.
Government deficit and debt in EU contain data for all EU Member States and are specified in mill. euro and in percent of GDP.
Government deficit and debt in the EU-countries contain data for all EU Member States and are specified in mill. euro, mill. Danish kroner (only for Denmark) and in percent of GDP.
Statistical population
General government sector in Denmark and all EU-countries.
Reference area
Denmark and all EU-member countries.
Time coverage
Data is available from 2000 for EU all EU-countries.
Base period
Unit of measure
- EDP1 is for all the EU-countries public finances in percent of GDP and in mill. Euro. For EDP1 is also specified in Danish Kroner
- EDP5 specify the quarterly EMU-debt in bill. kroner (updated quarterly).
Reference period
Calender year
Frequency of dissemination
Semi-annual and quarterly.
Legal acts and other agreements
- The legal authority to collect data is provided by section 6 of the Act on Statistics Denmark by act no. 610 of May 30th 2018
- Council Regulation (EC) No 220/2014 on references to the European system of national accounts in the European Union.
- Council Regulation (EC) No 679/2010 on the quality of statistical data in the context of the excessive deficit procedure.
- Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure.
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1222/2004 concerning the compilation and transmission of data on the quarterly public debt.
Cost and burden
There is no response burden as the data are collected by others: Danmarks Nationalbank, Økonomistyrelsen, SP, AK-samvirke, LG, A-kasserne and local governments. And furthermore by Eurostat.