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Government Finances
Jesper Lillebro Feddersen
+45 20 51 61 92

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Government deficit and debt in the EU-countries

Government EMU-debt is to a certain degree comparable with quarterly financial accounts for general government since both statistics are based on the sectors and instruments defined in ESA2010. The primary differences are: Government EMU-debt is based on nominal values, while quarterly financial accounts for General Government are based on market values.

In a similar way, Government Deficit is comparable with the national accounts compilations of net-lending for General Government in the so called March- and June-versions.

Comparability - geographical

All EU Member States compilations should be comparable.

Comparability over time

The terminology and estimation methods for the government deficit and debt is constant for the entire published period (2000-).

Coherence - cross domain

Government EMU-debt is to a certain degree comparable with quarterly financial accounts for general government since both statistics are based on the sectors and instruments defined in ESA2010. The primary differences are: Government EMU-debt is based on nominal values, while quarterly financial accounts for General Government are based on market values.

In a similar way, Government Deficit is comparable with the national accounts compilations of net-lending for General Government in the so called March- and June-versions.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.