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Statistical presentation

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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
+45 21 29 55 76

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Farm Structure Survey

The farm structure statistics are yearly and include figures on number of farms, livestock, crops and technology distributed by for instance size and geography.

Data description

The survey unit is the farm, and this is reflected in the statistical tables where the users can find figures for number of farms, employment, crops and livestock distributed by size and region.

For crops and livestock the tables show area and number of animals. Also number of farms growing a crop and number of farms with at least one animal are shown. For technology number of farm with different precision technologies are shown. In older statistics are shown number of farms and stocks of tractors, combine harvesters and other agricultural machines.

All survey characteristics could in principle be cross tabulated so that the users may see e.g. number of animals distributed area size of the farms.

From 2015 the special surveys on production of horticultural products have been integrated in the farm structure survey. In 2015, 2018, 201 and 2024 it concerned production of vegetables in green house, in 2016, 2019 and 2022 vegetables grown in the open and in 2017, 2020 and 2023 fruits and berries.

Classification system

The farm structure survey must include all farms growing either crops or have livestock. For this reason the survey should also include firms which have their main activities in industries other than agriculture, for example forestry. The survey should furthermore include small farms with no business number.

Sector coverage

Agriculture and horticulture

Statistical concepts and definitions

Agricultural Farms in Denmark: A farm is a technical and economic unit producing agricultural products, either livestock or crops.

Statistical unit

The survey unit is the farm. A farm is always identical with a local unit the Business Register marked as active in agriculture, irrespective of the NACE code.

Statistical population

The population includes all farms in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

For farms, crops and livestock comparable figures are available back to 1982 and for labour force back to 2007.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

  • Number of farms
  • Number of animals
  • Number of with the animal
  • Hectares of a crop
  • Number of farms growing the crop
  • Employment
  • Number of farms with technologies

Reference period


Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark.

Regulation (EEC) No. 2018/1091 covering the surveys in 2020, 2023 and 2026. For the census in 2020 and and sample survey in 2023 EU has contributed financially. The same will take place for the sample survey in 2026.

Cost and burden

The response burden is estimated to 0,3 mio. Danish kroner in 2012. No more recent calculation is available, but the burden is presumably lower in 2024 with a sample 6.300 farms against 8.500 in 2012.


No other information.