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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
+45 21 29 55 76

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Farm Structure Survey

The statistics fulfill a need for structural information on the Danish agriculture, e.g. number of farms by size and region. Important users are EU, the ministries and agricultural organizations.

User Needs

The farm structure survey fulfils a general need for a structural statistics on the Danish agriculture being described by size, geography, type of farming and other aspects.

However, agricultural statistics are more than just business statistics. It is also environmental statistics and the farm structure statistics provide also the users with number of animals and land use in agriculture.

The users are in particular EU, the ministries, farmer’s organisations, but also students and interested people in general. EU uses the statistics as a tool in the planning of the common agricultural policy.

Many users are interested in figures by municipalities. This need, however, can only be met for years where Statistics Denmark has carried through total censuses. For sample surveys reliable figures by municipalities cannot be made. The most recent total censuses took place in 2010 and 2020.

User Satisfaction

The main impression is that most users are satisfied with the statistics but often they have wishes about more detailed regional figures with figures for municipalities and also more agro environmental statistics.

There is no user board for agricultural statistics nor has there ever been conducted any survey on user satisfaction.

Data completeness rate

The survey meets the legal requirements of EU regulation 2018/1091.