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Environmental accounts for Denmark (Discontinued)

The environmental accounts contain information on a) Material flows in the form of the the weight of Danish resource extraction, import and exports, b) Air emissions of different substances (CO2, N2O, CH4, PFC, HFC, SF6, NOx, NMVOC, CO, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NH3), c) Public expenditure and revenue on the environment as well as d) Environmental related taxes etc.

The definitions used in the environmental accounts ensures that the information immediately can be used for analyses of the interaction between the economic activities and e.g. air emissions of some of the above-mentioned substances.

Data description

Air emission accounts: The air emission accounts show emissions of green house gases as well as other polluting substances caused by the industries' or households' use of energy. In addition to that, the air emission accounts also accounts for emissions originating from activities not related to the use of energy, e.g. processes.

Material Flow Accounts: The material flow accounts describes the Danish economy's dependency of goods and materials.

Public expenditure and revenue on the environment: The accounts provide information on public activities related to environmental protection. It gives information on the revenues and expenses by public sectors and environmental domains. Expenditures are split into current expenditures and investment. Revenues are split into operation revenues and capital revenue.

Environmental taxes etc.: The main purpose for the accounts for the environmentally related taxes is to provide a coherent description of the amount of environmentally related taxes imposed on the industries as well as the households. The data can be used for various analysis e.g. the polluter pays principle.

Classification system

Statistics Denmark's industrial classification DB07, which is a Danish version of the EU NACE, rev. 2. and the UN's ISIC, rev. 4, contains a number of standard classifications: the 127, 36, 19, and 10 classifications.

Sector coverage

All industries according to Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Air Emission: ‘Air emission’ means the physical flow of gaseous or particulate materials from the national economy (production or consumption processes) to the atmosphere (as part of the environmental system).

Environmentally Related Tax: Means a tax whose tax base is a physical unit (or a proxy of a physical unit) of something that has a proven, specific negative impact on the environment, and which is identified in ESA 95 as a tax.

Material Flow Accounts: ‘Economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA)’ means consistent compilations of the material inputs into national economies, the changes of material stock within the economy and the material outputs to other economies or to the environment.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the local kind-of-activity unit, enterprise.

Statistical population

All units engaged in economic activity on the Danish territory.

Reference area


Time coverage

  • Material Flow accounts cover a period from 1993-2013
  • Air emission accounts cover years 1990-2013
  • Public expenditure and revenue on the environment are compiled for the period 2007-2012
  • Environmental related taxes etc. cover the years 1995-2013

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Material flow accounts are measured in tones. Emissions to air are measured in tons for all substances except CO2, which is measured in 1000 tones. Public expenditure and revenue on the environment is measured in 1000 kr., while environmental related taxes etc. are measured in mio. kr.

Reference period

01-01-2013 - 31-12-2013

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Regulation no. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.

Cost and burden

No direct response burden, since all information is based on existing statistics.


For further information, please contact Statistics Denmark directly.