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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
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Environmental accounts for Denmark (Discontinued)

Environmental Accounts are relevant for those interested in the correlation between the economy on the one side and environment and natural resources on the other side. Ministries and consultant firms are among the main users of environmental accounts. Accounts are included in the overall European environmental accounts, collected and compiled by Eurostat.

User Needs

External users of the environmental accounts are ministries, business and trade organizations, research institutes and engineering consultancy firms who want a general view of the interactions between the economy and the environment. Linking the input-output calculations to the environmental accounts makes it possible to examine the interaction between economic activity and the emissions of different polluting substances. The interaction between different types of demands (e.g.household's consumption, exports, etc.) and emissions can also be monitored.

User Satisfaction

There have not been undertaken any user satisfaction surveys for this statistics.

Data completeness rate

Data meets all the requirements of the Regulation no. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.