Elections to municipality councils
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Elections to municipality councils are held every four years, on the third Tuesday in November. Since the municipal reform, elections to municipality councils have taken place in 2009, 2013 and 2017. Results from the elections are published in the StatBank the following year.
Statistical presentation
The statistics of the election to the municipalities and regions publishes around 2 months after the date of the deadline for complaints (media January the following year). The election is keep each fourth year. the third Tuesday i November months. The statistics publish for each municipality. The candidate is broken down on elected/nominated, parties and sex. The distribution on votes is broken down after party, postal votes, invalid votes. the statistics is based on extract from Kommunedata IT election system from which Statistics Denmark receive data from.
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Statistical processing
Data for these statistics are provided as an extraction from the election software system (managed by KMD) after the deadline has expired for complaints/objections.
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The statistics are relevant for municipalities, regions, ministries, other government organizations, political party organizations, researchers and citizens as a basis for planning and surveys. The data basis of the statistics (micro-data) is used by researchers to whom data is made available via our Research Services.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics are based on data extractions from the election software system (managed by KMD) to which the results of the local and regional elections are reported. As the data basis is used for calculating the composition of the local and regional councils, it is demanded that the statistics are recorded accurately and, as a result, are of very high quality.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The election is held every four years on the third Tuesday of November. The results are usually published five months later, i.e. mid-March.
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In connection with the municipal reform of 2007, the number of municipalities in which to hold elections was reduced from 271 to 98. For the majority of municipalities, it meant that the geographical scope of the municipality increased considerably, and that a new local council had to be elected for the new increased geographical area which had previously been covered by two or more municipalities and a corresponding number of local councils.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in a Danish press release. In the Statbank, these statistics can be found under Elections to municipality councils. For further information, go to the subject page.