Statistical processing
Contact info
Research, Technology and Culture, Occupation statisticsCecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
+45 51 27 86 09
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The population in the statistics is based on four data sources: 1) Membership data from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, 2) Data on recipients of royalties from artistic activities and 3) Data on recipients of grants or project support from the Danish Arts Foundation. The population in the statistics is linked to information from the population register regarding gender, age, and residence, as well as information on income from the Income Register and educational level from the education register.
Source data
The basic data originate from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists (provided by each member organization under the Danish Artists' Council), rights-paying organizations (provided by the rights-paying organizations and disbursements from the Ministry of Culture), and recipients of grants or project support from the Danish Arts Foundation (based on disbursements from the Ministry of Culture). Basic data is linked to information from Statistics Denmark's Population Register, Income Register and education register. The table in the attached document provides a detailed overview of the formation of the population of artists.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Membership data from the organizations under the Council of Danish Artists is sent to Statistics Denmark via encrypted email or an FTP upload solution.
Rights payment data from Performex, Filmex, and VISDA is sent to Statistics Denmark via encrypted email or an FTP upload solution. Rights payment data from KODA, Gramex, and library fees is already available in Statistics Denmark's systems through other statistics (Purchase and sale of music as well as disbursements from the Ministry of Culture).
Graduate data is extracted from the education register in Statistics Denmark (Elevregister3).
Grant payment data from the Danish Arts Foundation is extracted via basic data for the statistics on disbursements from the Ministry of Culture.
Data validation
Validation of data received from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists and rights-paying organizations is done by removing any duplicates in the data and eliminating invalid personal identification numbers. Validation of data from Statistics Denmark is carried out in the relevant source registers, as indicated in the respective statistical documentations.
Data compilation
The population of artists is formed based on four data sources: 1) members of member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, 2) recipients of royalties associated with artistic activities, and 3) recipients of grants or project support from the Danish Arts Foundation. The four data sources are linked, and the final population is connected to information from the population register regarding gender, age, and residence (for individuals residing in Denmark), as well as income information from the Income Register. Individuals are categorized into five artistic areas, and the income base variable is calculated based on information from the Income Register. Income is distributed across three outcomes as follows: - Income from artistic activities: Income from the cultural sector based on selected 6-digit DB07 industry codes – see document on industry delineation []. In addition, income from the organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, churches (parish councils), rights payers, and selected relevant enterprises not covered by the cultural sector's industries. - Teaching: Includes income from teaching artistic subjects, defined as income from the industries (DB07 industries) teaching cultural disciplines, higher education below university level, university-level higher education, other education n.e.c., and income paid by a municipality, provided that the person also has a relevant art education. - Other: All other income.
The income base variable is distributed across six outcomes as follows: 1. 75-100 percent of income from artistic activities: Individuals for whom income from artistic activities constitutes 75-100 percent of the person's total income. 2. 25-75 percent of income from artistic activities: Individuals for whom income from artistic activities constitutes 25-75 percent of the person's total income. 3. 1-25 percent of income from artistic activities: Individuals for whom income from artistic activities constitutes 1-25 percent of the person's total income. 4. Teacher in artistic subjects: Individuals for whom income from teaching constitutes the majority (more than 50 percent) of the person's total income. 5. Students: Individuals receiving student financial aid (SU). This includes individuals whose labor market attachment is classified as students in the Population's Connection to the Labor Market Register (RAS). 6. Other: Individuals who do not fall into the remaining categories, e.g., individuals without income or individuals with no income from artistic activities.
Main source of income has the following outcomes: Wages (wages constitute more than 90% of total personal income) Combination of Income Sources (neither wages, public benefits, nor pensions constitute more than 90% of total personal income) Public Benefits and Pensions (public benefits and pensions constitute more than 90% of total personal income)
Data is aggregated by income base, gender, age groups, residence region, family type and educational level.
No corrections are made to the data.