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Statistical presentation

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Research, Technology and Culture, Occupation statistics
Cecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
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Artists in Denmark

The statistics on artists in Denmark are an annual compilation of the number of artists in Denmark, categorized by artistic area, income basis, gender, age group, residential region, family type, education level, main source of income and personal income. The statistics are divided into the five artistic areas: music, writers and words, visual arts and designers, film and TV, and drama and performing arts.

Data description

The statistics on artists in Denmark show the number of artists in Denmark categorized by artistic area, income basis, gender, age group, residential region, family type, education level, main source of income and income. With this new statistics, the best data foundation for understanding artists in Denmark is established to date. The purpose of the statistics is to contribute to increased knowledge about the conditions of artists in Denmark. The statistics describe artists in Denmark who meet at least one of the following criteria: are members of an organization under the Council of Danish Artists, have received royalties associated with artistic activities, have received a grant from the Danish Arts Foundation or have graduated from an art education program and fulfills one of the previous three criteria.

Classification system

The population of artists is distributed by artistic area, income basis, gender, age group, residential region. family type, education level, main source of income and income.

Possible outcomes for artistic areas include: music, writers and words, visual arts and designers, film and TV, and drama and performing arts.

Residential regions are categorized as follows: North Jutland, Central Jutland, Southern Denmark, Capital Region, Zealand. For more information, refer to this link:

Possible outcomes for income basis include:

  • 75-100 percent of income from artistic activities
  • 25-75 percent of income from artistic activities
  • 1-25 percent of income from artistic activities
  • Teaching in artistic subjects
  • Students
  • Others

Family type have the following possible outcomes: Single persons without children Single persons with children Couples without children Couples with children

Education level have the following possible outcomes: Upper secondary education Vocational Education and Training Short cycle higher education Vocational bachelors educations incl. bachelors programs Masters programs incl. PhD programs Not stated

Main source of income has the following outcomes: Wages Combination of Income Sources Public Benefits and Pensions

Income: Income Before Taxes is total personal income (PERINDKIALT_13) and is sourced from the personal income register. Learn more here: Sources of Income are calculated based on the eIndkomst register and indicate the number of different businesses (CVR numbers) from which a person has received payments during a year.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers individuals in the arts and cultural sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Kunstner: Person, der opfylder mindst ét af følgende kriterier: medlem af en medlemsorganisation under Dansk Kunstnerråd, dimittend fra en kunstuddannelse, modtager af rettighedsmidler forbundet med kunstnerisk virke og/eller modtager af legat fra Statens Kunstfond

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The population is defined as individuals who meet at least one of the following criteria: member of an organization under the Council of Danish Artists, graduate from an art education program, recipient of royalties associated with artistic activities, and/or recipient of a grant from the Danish Arts Foundation.

Reference area

The target population for the statistics is artists in Denmark.

Time coverage

The statistics covers the year 2022.

Base period

Not relevant for this period.

Unit of measure

The statistics describes the number of persons and annual personal income.

Reference period

Calendar year. Personal information include the population of Denmark with a residential address in the beginning of the year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Membership information from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, as well as information about rights recipients from rights organizations, is collected by Statistics Denmark through data delivery agreements. The remaining data come from public authorities and existing registers and are collected under the authority of the Act on Statistics Denmark §6.

Cost and burden

Membership information from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, as well as information about rights recipients from rights organizations, is to be collected through new data delivery agreements with Statistics Denmark. The reporting burden has not been calculated for this statistic as participation is voluntary. The remaining data are registry-based, and therefore, there is no reporting burden. Data is collected by Statistics Denmark in connection with the preparation of other statistics.


Please see the subject page of the statistics.