Commodity flow systems and construction of input-output tables in Denmark
1. Introduction.
2. Balancing procedures in the detailed commodity flow system at current prices:
1. introduction.
2. The supply side.
3. The user side.
4. Subsystems and notional branches.
5. Balancing the system at basic values.
6. Balancing the system at purchasers¿ values.
7. The system as a basis for national accounts and input-output tables. Diagrams and tables.
3. Techniques in the compilation of Danish input-output tables at current prices:
1. Introduction.
2. The commodity-flow system.
3.The first version of the input-output tables 1966-75.
4. Basic features of the present techniques.
5. The treatment of imports.
6. The treatment of domestic output.
7. Selected commodities.
8. A generalized treatment of imports.
9. Concluding remarks. Figures. Annexes.
4. Calculations of commodity flows and input-output tables at constant prices:
1. Introduction.
2. Deflation in the detailed commodity flow systems.
3. Construction of the input-output tables at constant prices.
4. Change of base year. Figures. Annex. Tables.
5. References.
Indeholder detaljeret dokumentation til den funktionelle del af nationalregnskabet, både i faste og løbende priser. Der er gengivet tre konferenceindlæg om de danske varestrømssystemer og brugen af disse ved udarbejdelse af de årlige input-output tabeller
Arbejdsnotat / Danmarks Statistik, Nr. 15
Commodity flow systems and construction of input-output tables in DenmarkEconomy
Released: 31 December 1986 09:30
No of pages: 113
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