- D -

direct taxes


- E -

Efficiency of all factors

- F -

Foreign demand

foreign prices

- G -

General government in vestments in buildings

General government investment in machinery

General government purchase of goods and services

Icon1. General government employment
Icon15. General government purchase of goods

- H -

Hourly wages

- I -

Income multiplier

Icon1. General government employment
Icon15. General government purchase of goods

Indirect prices

Interest rates


- K -

Keynesian income multiplier

Icon1. General government employment
Icon15. General government purchase of goods

- L -

Labor efficiency

Labor supply

Icon9. Labor supply - number of workers 
Icon11. An increase in working hours

- M -

Machinery efficiency

- O -

Oil prices

- P -

Private consumption


Icon11. Productivity - labor efficiency
Icon12. Productivity - capital efficiency
Icon13. Productivity - labor and capital efficiency

Productivity - efficiency of all factors

Productivity - labor efficiency

Productivity - machinery efficiency

- W -

Working hours

- X -


