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    Data and digitalisation goes hand in hand

    As part of our involvement in Strategic Sector Cooperation, financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Statistics Denmark hosted a workshop for the participants in one of Danida Fellowship Center’s (DFC) training programmes., 7 March 2024 12:00 ,  , The title of the three week long learning programme at Danida Fellowship Centre is , Data and Digital Technology as enabler for Environmentally Sustainable Societies. , The DFC programme is designed to build a digital sustainability mindset and give the participants an introduction to the Danish context taking the point of departure in the Danish digitalization and sustainability experiences. Furthermore, the program is designed on the belief that transition towards a sustainable future is not a single-standing effort by any one public agency but a strategic objective that must be cross-cutting and undertaken at all levels of government and society. The programme aims to enable application of digital technologies to promote environmental sustainability in the local context and in the institutions the participants are working in.,  , The participants came from Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation partners in Brazil, China, Columbia, Ghana and Vietnam.  , You can read more about Statistics Denmark's Strategic Sector Cooperation projects in Ghana, Morocco and Vietnam here:, Ghana, Morocco, Vietnam,  , The workshop in Statistics Denmark covered two areas. 1. Statistics Denmark’s transformation from a survey organization to a national statistical institute who produces nearly all social statistics from administrative data sources. 2. Statistics on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) discussing how digitalization at large can be measured, and how digitalization affects social structures in society and the economy. An important aspect of digitalization is to ensure that everyone has equal access to digital services.,  , If you want to learn more about Statistics Denmark’s use of administrative data for the production of official statistics you can read this article:,  , Denmark is number 1 in E-government,  , An example of digitalization in Ghana, Working in our Straetgic Sector Cooperation project in Ghana with Ghana Statistical Service and Ghana Water we have produced a video showing how information from the Population and Housing Census together with the digitalization of the water infrastructure in Ghana can help to identify the communities who will benefit the most from investments in clean water and sanitation.,  , You can watch the video here, . Go to the bottom of the page. The video is called "Video on access to water".,  ,