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How many accidents happen at home, in the workplace and in traffic?

Note: Below, we provide links to Statistics Denmark and others who make statistics on the subject. In some instances, the source referred to below have content in Danish only or limited content in English.

Traffic accidents

Statistics Denmark’s tables on road traffic accidents and on traffic accidents involving trains and vessels are gathered on the subject page Traffic accidents and in Statbank Denmark.

The Danish Road Directorate makes interactive statistics annually (in Danish) allowing you to break down data on road traffic accidents by police districts, road types, etc. (scroll down).

Analyses and reports concerning special types of accidents are available at The Danish Accident Investigation Board (AIB), which investigates serious road accidents, and at Accident Investigating Board Denmark, where you can follow accidents and incidents in the aviation and railway sector.

Accidents and injuries at work

At their websites, Labour Market Insurance and Work Environment in Denmark have tables of reported work injuries and accidents (in Danish).

Accidental drowning and submersion

In cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health, TrygFonden has published a list of drowning deaths from 1970 onwards (in Danish).

Electricity, gas and fire

The Danish Safety Technology Authority compiles statistics on electrical fires, electrical accidents and gas accidents (in Danish).

The Danish Emergency Management Agency has data on fatal fires and the number of deaths caused by fire (in Danish).


At Odense University Hospital, the group UlykkesAnalyseGruppen analyses accidents and compiles statistics of injuries from fireworks – fyrværkeriskader (in Danish) – that take place around New Year’s Eve.

Each year, the Danish Safety Technology Authority prepares a report on fireworks – Fyrværkerirapport (in Danish) – with information on injuries and accidents for the period 2007-2013.

Sports-related accidents

The extent of sports-related injuries is the focal point of a report by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies: ”Idrætsskader i Danmark 2016” (in Danish).

General sources

The National Institute of Public Health is responsible for the Danish accident register, and has draw up and analyzed the occurrence of accidents from 2010-2022, (only in Danish). The report states that every day 1,700 Danes have an accident. Older data can be found in the publication "Ulykker i Danmark 1990-2009" (summary in English). The report has information on e.g. accidents involving vehicles, workplaces and sports.

The report "Ulykker i Danmark 2015 opdelt på kommuner" (in Danish) shows the extent of hospital-treated injuries due to accidents, violence and attempted suicide, disaggregated by municipalities.

Questions on accidents have been part of all the surveys since 1987. Results from 2013 on self-reported injuries (off the job) can be found in "Ulykker - Resultater fra Sundheds- og sygelighedsundersøgelsen 2013" (in Danish).


[This page was last reviewed in January 2025]



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