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Go to target 17.4: Assist developing countries in attaining debt sustainability Go to target 17.4
Target 17.5: Target 17.5

Target 17.5

Adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for least developed countries.

Go to target 17.6 Go to target 17.6: Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology and innovation


17.5.1: Investment promotion regimes

Number of countries that adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for developing countries, including the least developed countries


In their statistical presentation of this indicator, the UN states the number of countries that have entered into Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). The UN uses two lines of approach in their presentation: the number of countries that have signed BITs and the number of countries where BITs have become effective. Denmark has signed 4 BITs that have not yet become effective, and participates in 39 BITs that have come into operation. 

The conclusion is that Denmark has adopted and implemented initiatives promoting investments in developing countries (including the least developed countries).

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