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Go to target 10.4: Adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality Go to target 10.4
Target 10.5: Target 10.5

Target 10.5

Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations.

Go to target 10.6 Go to target 10.6: Enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions


10.5.1: Financial Soundness

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Financial soundness indicators (FSIs) provide insight into the financial health and soundness of a country's financial institutions. The FSIs are based on data collected by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and follow the guidelines form the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Data are published by the Danish Central Bank (Danmarks Nationalbank). From the year 2022 and onwards the indicator “Core capital to assets ratio” is used instead of “Capital to assets ratio”. The changes apply as the National Bank of Denmark has implemented the newest FSI guide. 

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