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Tables in StatBank

Construction activity

Table ID Updated
Total Construction (not adjusted for delays)
phase of construction, use and builders | Unit: m2
BYGV01 12-02-2025
Total Buildings completed
year of commencement, unit, type of building case and use | Unit: -
BYGV02 12-02-2025
TotalResidential Construction
phase of construction, use and builders | Unit: Number
BYGV03 12-02-2025
Total Construction
phase of construction and use | Unit: m2
BYGV04 12-02-2025
Residential Construction
phase of construction and use | Unit: Number
BYGV05A 12-02-2025
Residential Construction
phase of construction and builders | Unit: Number
BYGV05B 12-02-2025
Average floor area in new-constructed dwellings
use | Unit: m2
BYGV06 12-02-2025
Total Construction (not adjusted for delays)
region, phase of construction, use and builders | Unit: m2
BYGV11 12-02-2025
New Buildings completed (not adjusted for delays)
region, unit, year of commencement, type of building case and use | Unit: -
BYGV22 12-02-2025
Residential Construction (not adjusted for delays)
region, phase of construction, use and builders | Unit: Number
BYGV33 12-02-2025
Total floor area (adjusted for delays)
phase of construction and use | Unit: m2
BYGV80 12-02-2025
Total floor area (adjusted for delays)
phase of construction, use, builders and seasonal adjustment | Unit: m2
BYGV88 12-02-2025
Residential Construction (adjusted for delays)
phase of construction and use | Unit: Number
BYGV90 12-02-2025
Residential Construction (adjusted for delays)
phase of construction, use, builders and seasonal adjustment | Unit: Number
BYGV99 12-02-2025
Change of reports from the first to the latest report
phase of construction | Unit: Per cent
BYGVFORS 12-02-2025
New construction (not adjusted for delays)
municipality groups and use | Unit: m2
LABY37 12-02-2025