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Consumer expectations

How do consumers view the current and future economic situation?

The survey of consumer expectations is a monthly questionnaire focusing on the population’s view on their own financial situation and the Danish economy. The results of this survey can be used in assessing the economic situation.

Selected statistics on Consumer expectations

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Consumer expectations. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Consumer confidence

The consumer confidence indicator reflects the consumers’ assessment of their own financial situation and Denmark’s economic situation at present as well as their expectations for the future.

The measurement of consumer confidence is based on the consumers’ answers to a number of questions about the financial and economic situation, and ranges from 100 to -100, where 100 is the highest level of confidence and -100 the lowest.

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Source data

The data is collected through Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. The information used for the purpose of the consumer expectations survey has always been collected as part of Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. These surveys are sample surveys, where a representative sample of persons 16-74 years are asked among other things about the consumer expectations. The results are corrected from the effects of non-sampling and non-response and then enumerated so that the figures can directly be classed with the population of adult persons and families in Denmark. The data collection takes place within the first two weeks of the month, as well as a few days before the first day of the reference month in order to achieve a satisfactory response rate.

The family's financial situation

The graph shows the consumers’ average assessment of their own financial situation now and in future based on the answers to two questions. The answer ‘much better’ is allocated the value 100, ‘a little better’ is allocated the value 50, ‘unchanged’ the value 0, ‘a little worse’ the value -50 and ‘much worse’ the value -100.
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Source data

The data is collected through Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. The information used for the purpose of the consumer expectations survey has always been collected as part of Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. These surveys are sample surveys, where a representative sample of persons 16-74 years are asked among other things about the consumer expectations. The results are corrected from the effects of non-sampling and non-response and then enumerated so that the figures can directly be classed with the population of adult persons and families in Denmark. The data collection takes place within the first two weeks of the month, as well as a few days before the first day of the reference month in order to achieve a satisfactory response rate.

Denmarks economic situation

The graph shows the consumers’ average assessment of the Danish economy now and in future based on the answers to two questions. The answer ‘much better’ is allocated the value 100, ‘a little better’ is allocated the value 50, ‘unchanged’ the value 0, ‘a little worse’ the value -50 and ‘much worse’ the value -100. 
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Source data

The data is collected through Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. The information used for the purpose of the consumer expectations survey has always been collected as part of Statistics Denmark's omnibus surveys. These surveys are sample surveys, where a representative sample of persons 16-74 years are asked among other things about the consumer expectations. The results are corrected from the effects of non-sampling and non-response and then enumerated so that the figures can directly be classed with the population of adult persons and families in Denmark. The data collection takes place within the first two weeks of the month, as well as a few days before the first day of the reference month in order to achieve a satisfactory response rate.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Consumer Expectations Survey

The purpose of the survey is to analyze the consumer climate through questions about the economic situation as perceived by consumers at a given time concerning both the general economic situation in Denmark and the financial situation of the family. The main results are coordinated in the so-called consumer confidence indicator. The Danish surveys have been conducted since 1974. From 1996 data is collected in all 12 months of the year.

Need more data on Consumer expectations?

Find further details on the consumer confidence indicators in Statbank Denmark.


Dorthe Jensen
Phone: +45 23 11 15 62