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Purchases and sales by enterprises


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Key figures

Purchases and sales
Seasonal adjustment: Non-seasonally adjusted  |  Amount: Sales total  |  Unit: m DKK
TOT Industry total496 303511 316540 572587 231578 242
1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing9 61310 64910 83410 60710 638
B Mining and quarrying2 8401 9061 8122 8862 382
C Manufacturing81 41186 96690 95498 30896 435
(D+E) Energy, water supply and waste management70 54173 69379 59994 674102 992
3 Construction25 95231 83535 70834 09535 141
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles etc.16 35717 97620 96622 82922 096
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles etc.98 398103 259102 580111 395105 648
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles etc.33 38935 64333 05135 01238 543
H Transportation59 78962 33862 53965 62463 663
I Accommodation and food service activities7 4178 1337 9287 7457 566
5 Information and communication19 68318 68923 71022 73822 018
6 Financial and insurance10 4178 94710 38112 08810 062
7 Real estate10 8515 3946 02111 4555 235
8 Other business services41 59238 35547 21149 72547 305
9 Public administration, education and health2 6332 5883 0053 2363 938
10 Arts, entertainment and other services5 4204 9464 2754 8164 580
11 Activity not stated00000

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Lina Pedersen
Phone: +45 51 68 72 80

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