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Labour Force Survey (LFS)

How high is the employment rate in Denmark? What is the proportion of part-time employees, and how widespread is remote work? You can find the answers in the Labour Force Survey (LFS), which is an internationally coordinated interview-based study. The Labour Force Survey is particularly suitable for cross-country comparisons.

Selected statistics on Labour Force Survey (LFS)

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Labour Force Survey (LFS). In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Employment rate

Here you can see the development in the employment rate, showing the proportion of the population aged 15-64 that is employed.
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

Employment rate by age

Here you can see the employment rate broken down by age groups. The employment rate shows the proportion of each age group that is employed.
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

Full-time and part-time employment

Here you can see the number of full-time and part-time employed persons broken down by age groups. 'Employed persons' includes both employees and self-employed.
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

Number of employed persons working from home

Here you can see how widespread teleworking has been over time among employed persons aged 15-64.
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

Weekly working hours in main job

Here you can see the development in the average weekly working hours - categorized into usual weekly hours and actual weekly working hours for persons aged 15-64. Unlike usual hours, actual working hours account for absence during the workweek - for example, due to holidays, illness, or leave.
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

ILO-unemployment rate

Here you can see the development in the unemployment rate, as defined by ILO, for 15-64-year-olds. Unemployed persons are persons who are not employed, but who are looking for work and can start a job immediately. 
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Source data

The Labour Force Survey is quarterly based on a stratified sample. The sample was reduced in the 1st quarter of 2016. The reduction will be implemented successively and the sample size will be reduced from 40,532 individuals to 34.320 persons aged 15 to 74 years in the 1st quarter of 2017 when the reduction is fully implemented. Until the year 2020 the LFS has been collected at the individual level for 15-74-year-olds. From 2021 the population has changed to also include the age group from 75-89 years. On a quarterly basis the sample has thus increased from 34,320 people to 36,020 people.

In 2022q1, a new stratification was introduced in the LFS. Register data on employment and register unemployment are utilized to a greater extent, in order to obtain a greater number of responses in some of the groups that suffer from low response rates. For starters, the population is divided into four groups: 1) in stable employment, 2) in registered unemployment, 3) neither in stable employment nor registered unemployment and 4) persons aged 75 to 89. In addition, groups 1 and 3 are divided into the age groups 15-29, 30-64 and 65-74. This results in eight different strata, which are used in the sample selection from 2022q1 onwards. As the LFS consists of four panels, each appearing for six quarters, there will be a gradual implementation of the new stratification until 2023q2.

Different administrative resources are used to select the sample. Administrative sources are also used to obtain various background information on the people interviewed, for example on educational level or workplace.

These registers (among others) are being used for the Labour Force Survey: · Central Population Register (CPR) · Population Register · The Register of Labour Market Statistics (RAM) · Register based-labour force statistics (RAS) · Education classification (DISCED) · Employees . Register of income . Business statistics register ·

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

The purpose of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) is giving a description of the labour market status of the population. The LFS gives insight into how many people are employed, unemployed or outside the labour force (economically inactive). The LFS also manages to measure information like how many people are working part time; how many hours men in their 30s or 40s usually work; or how many elderly people outside the labour market would like to have a job. The LFS has been conducted yearly since 1984, and from 1994 the survey has been conducted continuously throughout the year.

The Monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS)

The monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS) supplements the quarterly survey with a higher frequency of numbers on employment and unemployment and is published earlier.

Need more data on Labour Force Survey (LFS)?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find detailed figures, e.g. on labour market status by age, gender and education as well as estimates of working hours and homework.


Daniel F. Gustafsson
Phone: +45 20 51 64 72