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Statistical processing

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Science, Technology and Culture
Christian Max Gustaf Törnfelt
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Zoological gardens

The statistic is annually. The data is collected through electronic questionnaires. The collected data is validated by comparing this years numbers with the former numbers. If a zoo have large fluctuations in the number of visitors from one year to the next, Statistics Denmark contact the facility to get a clarification. Data is aggregated and if some zoo's haven't answered the questionnaire data from last year gets imported.

Source data

Yearly questionnaires to the zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Yearly questionnaires to the zoological facilites

Data validation

When a zoo or an aquarium has large fluctuations in the number of visitors from one year to the next, contact the facility to get a clarification. Result prioritized according to the size in terms of number of visitors. In the electronic questionnaire is controls, so the reporter can relate to to fluctuations in visitor numbers, when reporting. In addition, check for changes in annual opening hours.

Data compilation

Data is corrected for non-responce but no grossing up is made. Tabulation to the StatBank Denmark.


Not relevant for these statistics