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Short Term Statistics
Heidi Sørensen
+45 24 79 86 81

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Transport by Ferries and Passenger Ships

The statistics are comparable with other EU- and EFTA member states statistics published by Eurostat.

The time series is comparable from 1990 onwards. In its present form the statistics is consistent since 1990 for annual figures and 2000 for monthly figures. The statistics are processed according to common EU guidelines and therefore comparable with statistics from other countries published by Eurostat.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics are compiled according to Eurostat guidelines and are comparable to similar statistics from other countries published by Eurostat.

Comparability over time

The statistics are fully comparable since 1990 (annual figures) and 2000 (monthly figures).

Coherence - cross domain

Statistics on transport through major ports and minor ports are related since they include freight transport with other vessel type than ferries and passenger ships and they include passengers on cruises. The three statistics complement each other and provides a complete picture of passenger and freight transport by sea vessels in Denmark. They are published combined as maritime transport statistics.

Coherence - internal

The statistics consist of report from passenger and ferry lines that call upon Danish ports. With the exception of very few of the smallest routes all routes are included and answer same set of questions. Data are not combined with other sources. Thus no consistency problems arise between sources or in output.