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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Simone Thun
+45 51 36 92 51

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The Supply and Use of Cereals and Feed

The statistics have been compiled since 1900 but are in their present form comparable from 1990 onwards. It is in compliance with the current EU legislation and it is an input to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture which is comparable to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture published by Eurostat.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics utilization of cereals follows the current EU legislation on Economic Accounts for Agriculture, as the statistics are input to. The Economic Accounts for Agriculture are comparable to the European version of the same statistics, which Denmark delivers data to. The Economic Accounts for Agriculture are an input to the National Accounts.

Comparability over time

The supply and use of cereals and feed are for most feeding stuffs comparable over time. More products for feed have been developed whereas some products are not used anymore and are therefore not included in the statistics. Data before 1990 is only available in printed agricultural statistics.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics is an input to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. Numbers for crop year correspond to the second half of one calendar year plus first half of the next calendar year.

Coherence - internal

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