Statistical processing
Contact info
Short Term StatisticsKarina Moric Ingemann
+45 24 78 42 12
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The statistics is processed by the Danish Road Directorate and published by Statistics Denmark as part of a cooperation between the two agencies.
Source data
Data are compiled by the Danish Road Directorate. Data sources are data from municipalities and the Road Directorate on the road network and investments therein and the Road Directorate's own traffic counts.
Frequency of data collection
Data on the road network is collected annually. Traffic counts collects data continuously.
Data collection
The statistics is based on traffic counts and odometer readings from road worthiness inspections of road vehicles and on data from municipalities and the Road Directorate.
Data validation
Please refer to the Road Directorates home page.
Data compilation
Information on the specific data processing can be obtained from The Road Directorate. For specific areas of the statistics additional information can be found at the Road Directorate's specific pages for Road Traffic, Road Infrastructure and Traffic counts respectively.
Information on the specific data processing can be obtained from The Road Directorate. For specific areas of the statistics additional information can be found at the Road Directorate's specific pages for Road Traffic, Road Infrastructure and Traffic counts respectively.