Statistical presentation
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The statistics of lending of assistive products is an annual inventory of assistive products that are allocated according to selected sections in the Act of Social Service, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act. The statistics contain information on how many assistive products have been handed out and the type of product. In addition, there is information on the number of people who have been given a assistive product. The statistics can be broken down by municipality, age and gender.
Data description
The statistics highlight municipalities' lending of assistive products from the municipal aid depots. These are assistive products which are allocated according to selected sections in the Act of Social Service, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act. Statistics Denmark receives data regarding lending of assistive products from each municipality. The data deliveries contain information about the reporting municipality, payment municipality, the specific assistive products, social security number of the recipient, legal section for the assistive product as well as the delivery and possibly returning date for the product. The assistive product is reported by the reporting municipality. A number of assistive products which have been reported are paid for by other municipalities. The statistics provide information on how many people are granted and given a assistive product and contain information about the type of product based on the assistive product's HMI number and ISO class in The Danish Authority of Social Services' database.
The statistics cover the period from 1st of July 2022 onwards. This means that all assistive products that are loaned out as of 1st of July 2022, as well as assistive products that are delivered and/or returned as of 1st of July 2022 and onwards, will be included in the statistics. The statistics are published annually and are published for the first time for 2023 at the end of June 2023.
The statistics will contribute to strengthening the breadth of the data base in the social area by collecting data and publishing statistics on reusable assistive products. This data must contribute with better national knowledge about the social area and citizens who receive reusable assistive products, to support the prioritization of social efforts.
Classification system
The selected assistive product refer to sections in the Social Services Act, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act. The sections are:
- Personal help and care etc., § 83 of the Social Services Act
- Rehabilitation course, § 83 a of the Social Services Act
- Rehabilitation and maintenance training that is not treated in connection with hospitalization, § 86 of the Social Services Act
- Support for assistive products, § 112 of the Social Services Act
- Help for the purchase of consumer goods, § 113 and § 113 b of the Social Services Act
- Support for the purchase of a car, § 114 of the Social Services Act
- Help for home furnishing, § 116 of the Social Services Act
- Use of fabric harnesses, § 128, § 128 b of the Social Services Act
- Equipment and technical assistive products that ensure sound working conditions in terms of safety and health, § 15 of the Working Environment Act
- Home nursing care, § 138 of the Health Act
- Rehabilitation after discharge from hospital, § 140 of the Health Act
Data can also be calculated by municipality, gender and age.
In The Danish Authority of Social Services' database you can find a detailed overview of types of assistive products based on HMI numbers and ISO class in the Social Service database.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for these statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Payment municipality: Municipality code for payment municipality and the municipality code for the reporting municipality will often be the same. In certain cases, aids are provided to citizens, where the assistive product is paid for by other municipalities than the reporting municipalities.
Assistive products: Assistive products is a product that optimizes the functional capacity of a person and reduces the handicap of a person. This i a product that will be returned after being used and allocated to another person. Lending of assistive products are allocated from municipal aid depots. Assistive products are allocated according to selected sections in the Service Act, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act.
Reporting municipality: Municipality code for the reporting municipality. Some municipalities are part of an inter-municipal collaboration, where one municipality is responsible for reporting to Statistics Denmark on behalf of the other municipality or municipalities. Only the municipality code of the reporting municipality will appear in the variable.
Statistics bank municipality: As a general rule, the statistics bank municipality will be the reporting municipality, which is reported by the municipality. For municipalities that are part of a cross-municipal collaboration, and where the municipality is not specified correctly, the statistics bank municipality code will be specified as the citizen's municipality of residence at the time of delivery based on Statistics Denmark's population register. If there is no municipality of residence at the time of delivery via the population register, the municipality code will be indicated with the reporting municipality's municipality code.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
Persons that receive reusable assistive products according to the following section of the Social Services Act: §83, §83a, §86, §112, §113, §114, §116, §128 and Working Environment Act: §15 and Danish Health Care Act: §138, §140.
Reference area
Time coverage
These statistics cover the period from the 1st of July 2022 till 31st of December 2023.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics
Unit of measure
The unit of measurement can be the number of persons or the number of services.
Reference period
01-01-2023 - 31-12-2023.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The information is collected in accordance with the Act on Statistics Denmark § 6.
Cost and burden
The statistics are mainly based on the use of system-to-system solutions that automatically report data to Statistics Denmark quarterly. Some municipalities report the data via Statistics Denmark's online reporting service. Some municipalities may experience technical difficulties when reporting the data which might cause some reported burden associated with these statistics. The municipalities must approve their data at a summarized level before publication.
Further information can be found at the Subject page for these statistics, or by con-tacting Statistics Denmark directly.