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Statistical processing

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Annemarie Schriver
+45 40 18 43 54

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Recipients of subsidy for private day-care

Data is received through electronic reporting from all municipalities. If the information is assessed to be incorrect, Statistics Denmark contacts the municipalities and assures the data through a dialogue with the municipalities.

Source data

Data is collected on forms filled in by the municipalities.

Frequency of data collection

The statistics are based on information gathered once a year.

Data collection

The majority of data is collected by system to system reporting. However, there are a few municipalities that report manually. In cooperation with system suppliers, Statistics Denmark has established requirements for reporting content etc.

Data validation

When data is received by Statistics Denmark, it is subjected to several error checks. The validation range from micro- and macro checks, overlapping data and structural checks. Data is validated through a dialogue with municipalities.

Data compilation

When Statistics Denmark receives the data several kinds of data treatment is carried out. Records are transformed to a standardized format. Overlapping records will be adjusted, and if children are in day care in another municipality than their home, it will be assigned a new municipality code.


No further corrections are carried out besides those described in 3.4 and 3.5.