Public arrears
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Government FinancesIda Balle Rohde
+45 61 24 24 85
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The purpose of Arrears to general government is to analyze the yearly development in public debt that haven't been paid on time, among these tax in arrears. The statistics were published for the first time in 2017 covering the years 2013-2016 and the statistics are comparable over time.
Statistical presentation
The statistics provide a yearly overview of arrears to general government and it provides information about public arrears divided based on creditor and type. Both the total and the individual arrears are of public interest as they influence the government cash flow.
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Statistical processing
The compilation and the collection of data in done by the Danish Debt Collection Agency. Statistics Denmark makes no direct statistical treatment, except for validation of data.
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Arrears effect the public liquidity and, if they are not collected, also the surplus/deficit. The statistics are relevant for economic ministries, the central bank, NGOs and others compilers of economic analysis and forecast. The statistics are part of the general economic debate and often gets a lot of attention in the media and amongst other professional users.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics are based on Danish Debt Collection Agencys register, why errors in these are transferred to the statistics. However, these possible errors are assumed to be very small. the uncertainty is therefore assumed to be low. No revisions of data will be made.
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Timeliness and punctuality
Data are published in the end of March in the year after the income year. The statistics only contain final figures. The statistics are usually published on the scheduled date without delays.
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The statistics were published for the first time in 2017 covering the years 2013-2016. The data in the statistics is fully comparable over time. There are no common EU guidelines or manuals for statistics on public arrears.
Accessibility and clarity
In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Arrears to general government. In addition the data for tax arrears is included in the annual publication Skatter og afgifter (Taxes and duties (in Danish only). For further information, go to the Arrears to general government subject page.