Statistical processing
Contact info
Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsChristian Törnfelt
+45 21 63 60 20
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The role of Statistics Denmark with respect to this statistics is solely to assure the quality and communicate information that is selected, collected, processed and disseminated by other producers of statistics/data suppliers. Please refer to the original sources for a detailed review of the statistical processing.
Source data
Data is supplied by The Agency for Culture and Palaces, based on extractions from their own national data base.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data is supplied from the The Agency for Culture and Palaces.
Data validation
The data are compared with the figures from recent years and doublets are deleted.
Data compilation
If there are duplicates in the material Statistics Denmark contacts The Agency for Culture and Palaces, which is investigating the matter.
Not relevant for these statistics.