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Prices and ConsumptionPeter Fink-Jensen
+45 21 34 76 92
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The Producer Price Index for Construction of Dwellings is a business cycle indicator, which is used in analyses of economic developments in Denmark. It is used in the Danish National Accounts, and is part of the framework of EU short term business statistics. Surveys of user satisfaction are not performed, but the statistics is part of Danish Statistics' expert committee for statistics on housing and civil engineering.
User Needs
The Producer Price Index for Construction of Dwellings is a business cycle indicator, which is used by in analyses of economic development in businesses and society as a whole. It is also part of Eurostat's common framework for business statistics. Furthermore, the index is used as a deflator in the Danish National Accounts for constant price calculations.
User Satisfaction
The Producer Price Index for Construction of Dwellings is part of the expert committee for statistics on housing and civil engineering, which is aimed at continuous improvement of this and other relevant statistics. No further surveys of user satisfaction are performed.
Data completeness rate
Ideally, the statistics reflects the development of producer prices of all newly constructed dwellings in Denmark. However, at this point, Statistics Denmark only has access to data for newly built free standing one-family houses. Thus, the construction of other types of dwelling, such as terraced houses, multi-storey apartment buildings or vacation houses are not included. Furthermore, all collected data originates from type house constructions, and the statistics is therefore not necessarily representative for construction of unique dwellings.