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These statistics are published in a Danish press release and in the StatBank under Persons below the state pension age on public benefits. For more information please see the subject page for Persons receiving public benefits.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
Persons receiving public benefits.
Persons receiving public benefits.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the Stat bank under the subject Living conditions in the following tables:
Persons receiving public benefits:
- AUK05: Persons receiving public benefits by type of benefits, sector, sex, age and time
- AUK01: Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex, age and time
- AUH01: Persons who are not in ordinary employment by region, type of benefits, sex, age and time
- AUK03: Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex, age and time
- AUH03: Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex, age and time
- AUH05: Persons receiving public benefits by type of benefits, sector, sex, age and time
- AUKS01: Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted) by type of benefits and time
- AUKS02: Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted) by type of benefits, sex, age and time
- AUK02: Persons receiving public benefits by type, type of benefits, age, sex and time
- AUH02: Persons receiving public benefits by type, type of benefits, age, sex and time
- AUK04: Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, country of origin, sex and time
- AUH04: Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, country of origin, sex and time
- LIGEIB6: Persons receiving public benefits by sex, age, type of benefits, family type and time
- LIGEII5: Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits by indicator, age, type of benefits, ancestry and time
- LIGEII6: Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits by indicator, age, type of benefits, family type and time
- LIGEIB5: Persons receiving public benefits by sex, age, type of benefits, ancestry and time
Micro-data access
For each person participating/receiving public benefits the primary data provides information on personal identification number, type of measure/benefit, date of commencement, date of cessation, hours per week in the measure, type of benefit/placement, etc. Information about unemployment insurance fund, insurance category and number of insured hours is obtained from Statistics Denmark's register of unemployment statistics. From the first quarter of 2007 and onwards these Micro-data are available for researchers through the so-called 'modul data', where the most important variables from the statistics are presented. These data is available for researchers if they at the same time meet Statistics Denmark's general rules of discretion on general politic.
For each person participating/receiving public benefits the primary data provides information on personal identification number, type of measure/benefit, date of commencement, date of cessation, hours per week in the measure, type of benefit/placement, etc. These data is excellent for making custom-made tables for external customers. The prize for these custom-made tables is equal to the amount of time/money used in producing the tables. The reason for this is that Statistics Denmark is obliged to make this kind of services without loosing or earning any money.
Confidentiality - policy
When the statistics on public benefits (16-64 years old) is calculated as a number of full-time participants there is not a lot of problems concerning discretion matters. See also Statistics Denmarks general rules of discretion on general politic.
Confidentiality - data treatment
When the statistics on public benefits (16-64 years old) is calculated as a number of full-time participants there is not a lot of problems concerning discretion matters. That's why we don't use any concrete treatment of discretion matters, however we do make sure that it's not possible to combine to many different variables in each stat bank table. See also Statistics Denmark's general rules of discretion on general politic.
Documentation on methodology
For further documentation see Persons receiving public benefits.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.