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Notifications of concern for children and young people

The municipalities transmit data regarding the notifications of concern to Statistics Denmark through different digital sources. Data are transmitted through different system-to-system software, or through a web-based platform, provided by Statistics Denmark. An overview of the received data from a given year is subsequently sent to the municipalities. In collaboration with Statistics Denmark, data are corrected for eventual errors and ultimately approved by the municipalities as being a true expression of the number of notifications of concern received in a given reference year. This process is called data validation.

Source data

Data are received from the Danish municipalities by Statistics Denmark, which functions as a data processor for the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing, and Senior Citizens. The Danish Social Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen) was responsible for data collection in the period from 01/04/2014 to 31/06/2016. Notifications of concern collected from 01/01/2016 and onwards are primarily transferred directly to Statistics Denmark from the administrative data systems of the municipalities through a WEB-API to a front-end database. Previously some municipalities reported the data through an FTP-connection instead of an API. The municipalities can access the database and their data through the information webpage of the statistics, oplysningssiden.

Frequency of data collection

Data is usually transferred daily, but few municipalities send data weekly, monthly or annually.

Data collection

Data is reported either directly through different system-to-system software used by the municipalities or via manual reporting by using Statistics Denmark's web platform available from the information page of the statistics: website.

All of the reported notifications are subsequently gathered in a front-end database, which the municipalities can access by using the web-platform. With the use of the web-platform, the municipalities can make corrections to the reported data. Some municipalities have previously also reported data to the FTP server or via a parser in order to overcome issues with direct reporting caused by their IT systems.

Data validation

Data is validated annually in cooperation with the municipalities. Statistics Denmark sends an overview of the registered data to the municipalities. If the municipality finds that their data is correct, they confirm the validity of the overview list. If not, Statistics Denmark and the municipality cooperate in order to correct the errors. If errors are not corrected in time before the publication date, Statistics Denmark publishes the data with a note in the documentation of the statistics, or in Statbank Denmark, stating which municipalities partly or entirely have not confirmed their data. Furthermore, Statistics Denmark and the municipality will work on correcting the errors before the next publication. Usually, non approved data from the municipalities is included in the publication of the statistics, albeit with a mentioned note in the documentation, or Statbank Denmark, on the nature and the scope of the inconsistency.

Data compilation

Data from a relevant year are combined with previous notifications, found in Statistics Denmark's register. Each notification must meet the requirements formulated in the current Executive Order on Transmission of Data in the Social Policy Area, which can be found on the webpage of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens. The uniformity of the requirements enables simple integration of data. Categories and required data are already grouped in accordance with the public release because of the aforementioned executive order. There is for this reason no calculations behind the release of the data.

Data from before the simplification of categories in 2017 are recoded to fit the current overall format for categories. In the validation phase of data collection, eventual missing values are restored.


Correction is not applied.