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The statistics on names are split up into two different statistics. One concerns the whole population in Denmark at 1st January by first name and surname. The other concerns names given to newborn children during a given year.

Data description

Names for the total population is an annual statistics which include yearly top-20 lists of the most commonly used girl, boy, and surnames. The statistics are divided by age groups and geographically by regions and provinces.

In the name database How many Danes have the name... it is possible to enter a first and/or surname and find out how many have a given name.

Names for newborns is an annual statistics of which first names the newborns have been given. The statistics include yearly top-50 lists of the most popular names from 1993 and onwards. From 1985 to 1992, only top-25 lists exist. The statistics are divided geographically with top-10 lists by regions and top-5 lists by provinces.

In Statistics Denmark's Barometer of names it is possible to enter a first name and see the development in how many newborns have been given a given first name over the years.

In all the statistics, only the first name is included, and the surname is only the last name in a person's line of names. In addition, first names with different spellings are merged into one in the lists for newborns, while they are counted as different names in the other lists.

Classification system

Statistics about names are grouped by boy-, girl-, and surnames and geographically by regions and provinces.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

First name: The first first name of a person as specified in the Central Person Register (CPR). If there is a hyphen between two first names, it is considered one first name.

Surname: The surname of a person as specified in the Central Population Register (CPR).

Statistical unit


Statistical population

Names of the total population are compiled on the basis of the population per 1st of January.

Names of newborn children are compiled on the basis of one year's births. Since a child must be named within the first six months of the child's lifetime, newborns must reside in Denmark on 1st of July, the following year, to be included in the statistics.

Reference area


Time coverage

Names of the total population covers the time period from 2002 and onwards, while Names of newborn children covers the time period from 1985 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

Names of the total population are based on names of the total Danish population as of 1st January, while Names of newborn children are based on births during one year and thus shows what names have been given to newborn in a given calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Not relevant for these statistics

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics.


For more information contact Statistics Denmark or go to the subject page for Names.