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Government Finances
Jesper Søgaard Dreesen
+45 51 64 92 61

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Interest and Share Price Indices

There are generally high comparability over time, there may be some problems of comparability for some time series statistics. For comparisons across countries should be obtained from the concerned authority collecting basic information.

Comparability - geographical

Similar statistics will be available in other countries.

Comparability over time

Regarding tabel MPK3: From 2003 redemption yield on mortg. bonds comprise circ. mortg. bonds with a remaining life of 20 ye. within 80 pc of the cur. market value of the mortg. prop., nom. rate of interest of 7 pc pa. and an annual yield of 8.87 pc of the princ. are app.

Regarding tabel MPK18: From 2013Q4 and onwards the primary data of the statistic have changed. This has resulted in changes in the level, which are reflected in the average deposit and lending interest rates in the groups S141+S142 og i S143-S145. The statistic is based on the MFI-statistic, which is collected and published by Danmarks Nationalbank. The Nationalbank now collect more detailed information and has adapted it to the new European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010).

Coherence - cross domain

Danmarks Nationalbank, The Danish Stock Exchange and The Danish Bankers' Association are publishing equivalent statistics.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.