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National Accounts, Climate and Environment, Economic Statistics
Peter Rørmose Jensen
+45 40 13 51 26

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Input-Output Tables

With a few exceptions the input-output tables can be aggregated into the Danish Industry Classification (DB07) and, thus, input-output tables can therefore easily be combined with other statistics applying the DB07 classification. There is a high degree of international comparability of input-output tables. A lot of effort has been put into keeping the entire time series of input-output tables intact from 1966 through 2011 with no breaks.

Comparability - geographical

In an international perspective the comparability between Danish and foreign input-output tables is generally good, but not quite as good as in the case of national accounts itself. This is due to the fact that there is an important assumption to be made and this assumption may vary between countries. However, within the framework of the ESA 2010 manual it is tried to secure comparability between EU-countries.

Comparability over time

Since the preparation of national accounts statistics is based on the idea that the figures are comparable over time to the greatest possible degree, the same will be the case for a time-series of input-output tables set up from the national accounts using uniform methods. For 2005 and onwards, the input-output tables, in current prices, are based on the national accounts supply and use tables, while tables for the period 1966-2004 are obtained by adapting an older set of tables to new classifications and definitions, as has been sought adjusted for the known data problems. Be noted that for the period 1966-2004 the older set of tables already were a result of adjustments due to past changes in classifications and methods. As a result, the 1966-2004 input-output tables in their present form are far from primary statistical data, and uncertainty of the tables can be expected to be greater.

Coherence - cross domain

As the input-output tables industry classification is the same as for the national accounts, which is derived from the Danish Industrial Classification DB07, it is possible to compared them with other statistics compiled by industry. However, comparisons with other statistics at a detailed industry level will often show differences, partly because of differences in definitions of variables and partly as a result of the national accounts reference period being the calendar year and its requirements for total coverage of economic activity To obtain a high degree of comparability the countries of the European Union have since 2003 transmitted input-output tables with common classifications.

Coherence - internal

The simultaneous use of the detailed product balances in the national accounts as well as in input-output tables is a guarantee that the two statistics are fully coherent.