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Personal Finances and Welfare
Anne-Sofie Dam Bjørkman
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Health of vulnerable groups (Discontinued)

In its present form with Statistics Denmark, the statistics are compiled for a period from 2015-2017 and are comparable in the period.

Comparability - geographical

We currently have no knowledge of any comparable international sets of statistics. See the separate statistical domains: Vulnerable children and young persons Visits to physicians etc. Hospitalisation rates

Comparability over time

These statistics have been compiled and are comparable for the period 2015 onwards.

For data on Visits to physicians etc., please note that only some of the national health insurance services involve direct contact between the patient and the service provider (physician etc.). In the register, instances of contact cover consultations, examinations and similar. This includes consultations at a clinical practice, telephone and e-mail consultations as well as house calls. I.e. a visit to the physician involves one instance of contact, but may also involve an extended number of individual services. For the dental services in particular, please note that the instances of contact are calculated as the number of preliminary examinations. The individual examination may then be followed by a number of visits to the dentist, which cannot be assessed, however. Physiotherapy is often administered as team training, so that the individual physiotherapist can train several persons at a time. Psychiatry covers child as well as adult psychiatry.

Note that Statistics Denmark does not currently have more detailed recordings of data for psychiatric hospitals than this set of statistics. We expect to have this in 2019.

For further details, see the separate statistical domain: Vulnerable children and young persons Visits to physicians etc. Hospitalisation rates

Coherence - cross domain

In the statistics on Vulnerable children and young persons, Visits to physicians etc. or Hospitalisation rates, the delimitations are the same as in this set of statistics, which is why the coherence between the statistics is high. See the separate statistical domains: Vulnerable children and young persons Visits to physicians etc. Hospitalisation rates

Coherence - internal

Data is internally consistent. These statistics comply with the delimitations from the source statistics included. The source statistics are Vulnerable children and young persons, Visits to physicians etc. and Hospitalisation rates (we process psychiatric data in the same way as somatic data). In the table SGSU01, however, we have opted to show fewer groupings for contact with physicians than in the statistics Visits to physicians etc. We use the same delimitation of population in all tables, just as the age and sex delimitation is the same. A category has been made for “not stated” in the tables in order to maintain the consistency between the tables.