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Government Finances, Economic StatisticsMarianne Ahle Møller
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The reporting burden to the OECD, Eurostat, and WHO was acquired from the Ministry of Health in July 2019. The statistic produced according to European guidelines in relation to the manual System of Health Accounts (SHA2011). The statistics are fully comparable over time and across countries for the entire time period.
Comparability - geographical
The statistic is compiled in accordance with the manual A System of Health Accounts (SHA2011), which is made in collaboration between OECD, Eurostat and WHO. Data is published by OECD, Eurostat and WHO. The statistic is fully internationally comparable with the other reporting countries.
Comparability over time
The statistics is compiled following the same method in the entire time period from 2010 onwards in the StatBank. Data prior to 2010 can be found in the international databases and were transmitted by the Ministry of Health. Thus, one should exert extreme caution when comparing with data before 2010 since the method for data published by Statistics Denmark from 2010 onwards may be different from the method used in the calculation of previously reported years.
Coherence - cross domain
The majority of data originates from the general government finances, which are included in the National Accounts, why there is a link to this. The difference between the inventories is caused by differences in the SHA classification and the concepts of National Accounts. Furthermore, the Household Budget Survey is used as an input for household consumption of health care goods and services, why there also is a link to this. Moreover, the Household Budget Survey is included as input to the National Accounts.
Coherence - internal
The statistic is internally consistent, which is ensured by consolidations of transactions and application of the concepts of national accounts.