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Statistical processing

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Personal Finances and Welfare
Emilie Rune Hegelund
+45 20 56 47 11

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Health among young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) (experimental statistics)

Data for these statistics are collected yearly from the Register-Based Labour Force Statistics and the three health statistics: the Hospital Utilisation Statistics, the Health Insurance Statistics and the Register of Pharmaceutical Sales. Collected data are not further validated. Instead, collected data are merged, and the detailed information about the population's hospital utilisation, consultations with physicians and purchases of prescription medicine is aggregated into the final statistical output.

Source data

Data come from internal statistics. The population, including the persons' NEET status, sex, and region, comes from the Register-Based Labour Force Statistics. Furthermore, information on hospital utilisation, consultations with physicians and purchases of prescription medicine comes from the three health statistics: the Hospital Utilisation Statistics, the Health Insurance Statistics, and the Register of Medicinal Product Statistics.

Frequency of data collection

Data are collected yearly.

Data collection

Data are collected directly from internal statistics.

Data validation

As the collected data have already been validated internally, no further data validation and error detection are carried out.

Data compilation

The population, including the persons' NEET status, sex and place of residence, is identified from the register-based labour force statistics. NEET status is measured the last week in November, and a person is categorized as inactive (NEET) if they are not in employment in the week in question and have not been in education or training in that week and the previous three weeks. These data are merged with information about hospital utilisation, consultations with physicians and purchases of prescription medicine using the population's de-identified personal identification numbers.

The population is grouped according to NEET status, i.e. whether the persons are active or inactive (NEET) in the labour market and the education system. The population is also grouped according to sex and place of residence (region and province, cf. the NUTS classification). In the two tables on hospital utilisation, the population is grouped according to the type of hospital contact (inpatient contacts, outpatient contacts, and accidents and emergencies) and primary diagnosis group, while in the table on consultations with physicians, the population is grouped according to which type of health professional the primary health care contact is aimed at and in the table on purchases of prescription medicine according to which of the main anatomical groups of the ATC system a redeemed prescription is aimed at.

Contacts with the hospital system and health professionals in the primary health care system, respectively, as well as redeemed prescriptions are calculated as an average number per person. The number of people with a relevant main diagnosis, contact, and redeemed prescription is counted, and the proportion within a given population subgroup is calculated as a percentage. In connection with the counting and calculation of key figures for consultations with physicians, persons with a negative number of contacts are removed.

Weights are not used.


No adjustments are made beyond what is already described under Data validation and Data compilation.