Statistical presentation
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Government FinancesHelene Gjermansen
+45 24 76 70 09
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The purpose of the GBARD-statistics is to inform on the public funds available for research and development. The information includes information on the amounts available from the different parts of General Government.
Data description
The GBARD-statistics comprise expected costs to research and development on the budget of General Government and international organisations (the EU and the Nordic Council of Ministers) financing of research and development in Denmark. In Statbank you can find tables on financing through the State Budget on socioeconomic purposes, sectors and type of appropriation. About 80 percent of all public financing of research and development is on the State Budget.
The socioeconomic categories is the NordForsk 16-classification. The Sectors are Universities, Research Councils, International Activities, Other Grants, Research Institutes and Other, as well as the artificial sector 'R&D reserve funds', which is only relevant for the current year +3 years ahead. Before 2007 the Sectors were different. From the State Budget it is possible to get information on which Ministries allocates funds for research and development and more details on the appropriations.
Classification system
Socioeconomic category: the appropriations are categorized according to the NordForsk classification with 16 categories.
- Universities et al.: Universities belonging under the Order on Universities, and other higher education institutions, doctoral students and research institutes formerly belonging to the universities.
- Research Councils: the Strategic Research Council and an other Research Council (now also Innovation Denmark)
- International Activities: appropriations with some kind of international relation - included is institutions as well as grants
- Other Grants: Funding activities of a total of more than mill DKK 25
- Research Institutions: Research institutions not belonging under the Order on Universities and without educational obligations.
- Other: other appropriations for research and development
- The R&D reserve funds: These are funds that have not yet been allocated to specific sectors or programs at the time the data is collected. The reserve funds are fully distributed by the time of the data collection the following year, and data for the previous year is updated then. As such, the reserve funds only appear in the current year + three years ahead.
Sector coverage
All sectors.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Applied research: Applied research is the original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective.
Budget: A budget is an estimate for the expenses within a specified area and a specified period.
Experimental research: Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research and/or practical experience, which is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, to installing new processes, systems and services, or to improving substantially those already produced or installed.
Research and development: Research and development is a concept defined in the Frascati manual when used in official statistics. Research and development consists of basic research, applied research and experimental research.
Basic research: Basic research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundation of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view. Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research and/or practical experience, which is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, to installing new processes, systems and services, or to improving substantially those already produced or installed. R&D covers both formal R&D in R&D units and informal or occasional R&D in other units.
Statistical unit
The statistic is published for each funding part.
Statistical population
All public expenditures to research and development on the budget.
Reference area
Time coverage
2001 - 2027
Base period
Current year.
Unit of measure
Mill. DKK.
Reference period
01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Act on Statistics Denmark § 6 (jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 15 af 12. January 1972 with the amendments that follows order no 386 of 13. June 1990, no 1025 of 19. December 1992 and no 295 of 2. May 2000).
Cost and burden
The Ministry of Finance collects most of the data. Time consumption is not known. The burden on other respondents is minimal.
For further information please contact Statistics Denmark.