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Statistical presentation

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Eggs Production

The statistics for eggs production are a quarterly and yearly measurement of the total production of eggs for human consumption and hatching eggs in Denmark. The total production of eggs includes sales to authorized packing companies and estimates for the producers' consumption of own eggs and their direct sales to consumers. The total production of eggs to authorized egg packaging centers is subdivided into the following production types: Cage eggs, barn eggs, free range eggs and organic eggs. In addition, ungraded eggs sold (barn door sales) and used on agricultural holdings are estimated.

Data description

The statistics give information on total production of eggs for consumption as well as hatching in Denmark.

The production of eggs for consumption is provided for the following categories: Consumption eggs received by egg packing centers based on quarterly reports and an estimated values ungraded eggs sold and used on agricultural holdings. by the producer. chickens and organic eggs. The total production of eggs to authorized egg packaging centers is divided into the following production types: Eggs from caged hens, barn eggs, free-range eggs, and organic produced eggs. There is information on quantities and values as well as associated prices and quotations. For eggs for consumption the statistics are compiled as quantizes in kilo. Sales prices are calculated for the total amount of eggs for consumption as well as and separately for barn eggs and organic eggs.

In addition, information about the production of hatching eggs from hubs is given. Hatching eggs are the basis for future production of hens and slaughter poultry.

Classification system

The egg production is divided into hatching eggs and eggs for human consumption. In the Combined Nomenclature (CN) equal to:

Eggs for hatching includes: - I: 0407 11: Fertilised eggs for incubation, of domestic fowls
- I: 0407 19: Fertilised birds' eggs for incubation (excl. of domestic fowls)

Eggs for consumption include: - I 0407 21: Fresh eggs of domestic fowls, in shell (excl. fertilised for incubation)

The production off eggs for human consumption is subdivided into:
- Received by packing centres - Ungraded eggs sold and used on agricultural holdings

The eggs for human consumption sold to egg packing centers is subdivided according to following four production form:

  • Eggs from caged hens
  • Barn eggs
  • Free-range eggs
  • Organic eggs

Sector coverage

Agricultural sector. In addition please also consult DB07, which is the National version of EU's nomenclature (NACE)], where the statistics falls under NACE 01.47 Raising of poultry.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Eggs for Human Consumption: Eggs used for human consumption. This include: eggs from caged hens, free-range eggs, barn eggs and organic eggs

Eggs from caged hens: These are eggs from chickens that go in enriched cages with at least 750 cm2 of cage area per hen and with no cage having a total area that is less than 2000 cm2. A cage must not exceed 10 hens. The cage must have a nest, adequate perches and litter allowing pecking and scratching.

Barn Eggs: Eggs from barn hens. Eggs from hens that go indoors in flocks of 3,000 to 10,000 pieces. The stocking density must not exceed nine laying hens per m2 usable area. In the stable there are nests and adequate perches, without sharp edges and at least 1/3 of the floor area must be covered with litter enabling the hens to satisfy their ethological needs.

Free-range eggs: Free-range eggs are eggs produced from birds permitted access to outdoor areas but otherwise with the same minimum requirements as described for barn eggs. In the stable, the stocking density must not exceed nine laying hens per m2 usable area. In the stable there are nests and adequate perches, without sharp edges and at least 1/3 of the floor area must be covered with litter enabling the hens to satisfy their ethological needs. The hens must have continuous daytime access to open-air runs. The maximum stocking density of open-air runs must not be greater than 2 500 hens per hectare of ground available to the hens or one hen per 4 m2 at all times. The free-range hens live in flocks of 3000 to 10000 individuals.

Organic Eggs: Organic eggs is produced through organic means. The poultry are fed organic feed. In the stable, the stocking density must not exceed six laying hens per m2 usable area. In the stable there are nests and adequate perches, without sharp edges and at least 1/3 of the floor area must be covered with litter enabling the hens to satisfy their ethological needs. The hens must have continuous daytime access to open-air runs. The maximum stocking density of open-air runs must not be greater than 2 500 hens per hectare of ground available to the hens or one hen per 4 m2 at all times. There must be more than one open-air run provided. The organic hens live in flocks up to 3000 individuals.

Hatching Eggs: Eggs used to production of chicken.

Statistical unit

Egg packing centers and hatcheries. In addition farmers own consumption of eggs as well as eggs sold by the producer to the final consumer are estimated.

Statistical population

The production of eggs for consumption and eggs for hatching.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics cover the period from 1996 onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

The production is measured in million kg eggs, the prices in DKK øre per kilogram of eggs and the value of the production in million DKK kr.

Reference period

Quarter and calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Law on Statistics Denmark §8 secures the legal ground for collecting the data.

The statistics for hatching eggs fall within the scope of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 617/2008 of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards marketing standards for hatching eggs and chickens of poultry.

The statistics of Eggs for consumption is not based on an EU directive. The Survey is based on the ESS Agreement on statistics on eggs for consumption, which means that the individual member states alone decide if they want to provide data.

The statistic falls under EU Council Regulation 2782/75/EEC and the Directive on Gross Domestic Production.

Cost and burden

There statistics are onto 2023 based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics.


Further information can be found at the Subject page for these statistics, or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.