Statistical processing
Before using the data from the municipal care systems Statistics Denmark perform a validation process. There is no subsequent acceptance of data by the municipalities. The municipalities can transmit revised data, which will be part of the coming version of the statistics. Statistics Denmark compile the number of visits on the timestamp for the delivered service. There are made no imputations, correction of data nor seasonal adjustment.
Source data
Data on home nursing is collected automatically via the care systems in the municipalities. Data are transmitted via KMD to Statistics Denmark. The data delivery is named L101.1, and it encompasses information on the home nursing services delivered to citizens, the time and the type of the service.
Frequency of data collection
Data are transmitted currently to Statistics Denmark once per month per municipality. A municipality can transmit data for the same period several times, in case of this the used version is the latest.
Data collection
Data are collected via the care systems of the Municipalities. This happens with an automatic transmit of data to Statistics Denmark, where data are stored in a register. The care systems used for home nursing are primarily from KMD Care and CSC. Avaleo is used in a few cases.
Data validation
Data are validated twice. Firstly technically and secondly the content. The technical validation is automatically and takes place when data are received, here the formats etc. are checked. Before production of the statistics a date is set, which delimits the data included in the validation of the content and the subsequent statistical process. The date limit was February the 2nd 2016 for the period 2014M01 to 2015M12. Please note, that data delivered later for the same period will be included in the following version of the statistics.
The validation of the content happens yearly by checking data thoroughly over the periods, and also the level of activities in each municipality compared to the rest. In this process check lists are compiled and studied in a prioritized order. Some of these check lists encompass ratios, where data are seen in relativity, e.g. services per recipient, visits per recipient and services per visits.
Ideally the validation of content should result in a correction or explanation of all unlikely deliverances. However Statistics Denmark has for the statistics on home nursing chosen a more pragmatic validation, where potential less likely data are included in the statistics and only the most unlikely deliverances are excluded. The statistics is produced on the data where only 43 of 2,051 deliverances are excluded.
Historically the partners who took the initiative to collect data on home nursing have expressed expectation, that the visibility of data in the long run would be beneficial to the quality of data. When the data collection was established it did not include a systematic dialogue with the municipalities including an approval of data, which is the case on other areas e.g. elderly care and disability services.
Data compilation
The validated data undergo several processes in the statistical production system, where some steps are very simple and other less simple. Age of recipient from birth date is used and number of visits are compiled. The timestamp for the home nursing service is rounded and one visit to the same recipient on the same day within the same hour could appear as to visits in the data from the municipality e.g. at 1.10 o´clock and 1.15 o´clock. After the data processing the data are transferred to the closed part of Stat Bank Denmark, where yet another check procedure is conducted before publication.
No corrections are made. Some data are excluded during the validation process.