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Business DynamicsAlina Grecu
+45 30 55 18 24
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This survey is also carried out in other European countries. Due to different approaches one cannot directly compare the results published in Denmark with the figures in Eurostat's database. The results published in Denmark cover all enterprises in Denmark that own/control foreign affiliates, regardless of ultimate controlling country. The figures in Eurostat solely cover enterprises that have the compiling country as ultimate controlling country.
Comparability - geographical
The survey is based on the Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on Community statistics on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates
In the population used for the survey on Danish foreign affiliates all relevant companies registered in Denmark regardless if these are ultimately owned from Denmark or owned from abroad.
The survey is carried through in the majority of the European member countries. But due to the above mentioned circumstances one should take caution when comparing the Danish figures (published by Statistics Denmark) with the figures within e.g. the Eurostat database. The Danish figures in the Eurostat database consist of foreign affiliates exclusively owned by Danish companies that are ultimately owned from Denmark.
Likewise it should be mentioned that between the countries there might be discrepancies in the establishment of ultimate owning country, which potentially might influence the figures.
Comparability over time
From the year 2010 and onwards the activity in the foreign affiliates is based on DB07 (Dansk Branchekode 2007) which is the Danish interpretation of NACE, rev. 2.
Previously the activity in these foreign affiliates, meaning the years of 2007-2009, was based on DB03 (Dansk Branchekode 2003) which is the Danish interpretation of NACE, rev. 1.1.
The change in activity codes means that long time series on activity of the foreign affiliates are not possible.
Coherence - cross domain
Under the theme of globalization there are other statistics available, e.g. regarding Foreign owned affiliates in Denmark or International sourcing.
Coherence - internal
Aggregated regions and activities are calculated from the more detailed data material, which secures that data are internally consistent.