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Prices and ConsumptionPeter Fink-Jensen
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Cost index for refuse collection, sludge removal and freight transport by road
The indices are produced on a quarterly basis and separately for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road. They are calculated separately for each industry. In addition, separate indices for each industry excl. the cost of fuel, are also published.
Data description
The indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road are quarterly cost indices based on labour costs and other costs associated with capital equipment and materials. These costs cover wages and salaries, social benefits, repairs and maintenance, fuel, tiers, overheads, insurance and fixed capital. The indices are separated to cover the development of costs in refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road, respectively. For indices excl. fuel, the fuel category has been removed from calculations.
The cost indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road is calculated as a chained fixed-weights Laspeyres index that shows the quarterly change in costs of a fixed basket of goods, in this case consisting of materials and labour costs associated with refuse collection, slurry pumping and freight transport by road. The weight bases are based on data collected by The Danish Transport and Logistics Association and Confederation of Danish Industry. The weights are evaluated approximately every fifth year in case the weights are in need of updating. The weights were last updated in the third quarter of 2022, and the weight reference period changed to 2022. The index reference period is 2022 for the general indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport (2022 = 100), and for the indices excl. fuel the index reference period is quarters 2, 3, and 4 of 2022 = 100.
The indices for refuse collection and slurry pump have been produced since the first quarter 1997. The index for freight transport by road has been produced since the third quarter of 2022.
The purpose of the indices is to follow the development in costs associated with refuse collection, slurry pump and road transport and the indices, therefore, do not reflect the actual level of costs.
Classification system
Not relevant for these statistics.
Sector coverage
Renovation companies, sewage service and companies that perform road transportation
Statistical concepts and definitions
Refuse collection: Refuse collection includes all refuse that stems from consumption by households and the like, institutions, cafeterias etc. Households' compost is not included.
Labor costs: Labor costs of drivers are calculated on the basis of the convention salary agreed upon by the Danish union for workers in transport and logistics and 3F (United Fedration of Danish Workers
Statistical unit
Statistical population
The population encompass costs for all materials and labour used in refuse collection, slurry pump work and freight transport by road
Reference area
Time coverage
Refuse collection and slurry pump work: 1997- Freight transport by road: 2021Q2- Indices excl. fuel: 2022Q2-
Base period
Refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road: 2022 = 100 Indices excl. fuel: 2022Q2 + 2022Q3 + 2022Q4 = 100
Unit of measure
Indices and percentage change.
Reference period
Cost indices for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road reflect the quarterly change in costs, i.e. the relevant index value is represents costs in the respective quarter.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Data are collected in accordance with the Act on Statistics Denmark §8 stk. 1 cf. consolidation act no. 599 of June 22nd 2000. The Council's order (EF) no. 1165/98 of May 19th 1998 concerning business cycle statistics and the Commissions' order no. 588/2001.
Cost and burden
There is a miniscule direct response burden since most of the data are collected from other statistics in Statistics Denmark.
Further information on the cost index for refuse collection, slurry pump and freight transport by road is available at statistics' website or from contacting the Statistics Denmark, Division for Prices and Consumption.