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Prices and Consumption
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Construction Cost Indices for Civil Engineering Projects

The Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects shows trends in prices for work performed by different contractors in civil engineering projects: Earth work, asphalt work, concrete structures, iron structures and sub-indices for traffic performance by lorries and materials and machinery. Trends in costs for construction of roads are also monitored based on a weighting of indices for earthwork, asphalt work and concrete structures.

Data description

The Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects is a quarterly statistic on those costs associated with civil engineering works. It is computed for Earth work, Asphalt work, Concrete structures, and Iron structures, as well as subindices for Traffic performance by lorries, and Materials and machinery. Moreover, an index for construction costs of roads is computed based on a weighting of indices for Earth work, Asphalt work, and Concrete structures. Furthermore and Operating index is computed from oil fuel, subindices for Traffic performance by lorries and Materials and machinery, as well as labor costs.

The overall costs for civil engineering projects covers the costs associated with the construction of the road network in Denmark. The cost index is a weighted index, which means that the index is calculated as a weighted average of the change in prices for materials and labor costs. The index illuminates exclusively the development of costs associated with civil engineering works, and, therefore, does not state anything about the actual level of the costs.

The index is calculated as a chained fixed weights Laspeyres index, and shows the quarterly change in costs of a fixed basket of commodities, which in the case of the cost index for civil engineering projects encompasses those materials and labor input of civil engineering works.

The basis for the weights for this statistics were developed in cooperation with the Danish Road Directorate, DSB and the Danish Construction Federation in 1976 based on an analysis of a ongoing and completed civil engineering project. Approximately every fifth year, the weights are evaluated. Construction cost indices for road work was published in the first quarter 1995, when it replaced the index for motor highways and main roads. From January 1st 2001 the title was altered: Construction cost indices for road work to the Construction cost indices for civil engineering.

The weighting scheme for the cost index for road construction is set up in cooperation with the Danish Road Directorate on the basis of an analysis of a range of finished road constructions. The indices for earth works, asphalt works and concrete structures are used directly in the calculation of the cost index for roads . The three indices have weights of 38 pct. for earth works, 41,5 pct. for asphalt works and 20,5 pct. for concrete structures.

All indices are published both excl. and incl. unemployment benefits.

Until April 2004 the price concept was the actual producer or import prices excl. VAT. Actual prices means that both general discounts and actual discounts are offset in the price.

Since April 2004 the import prices have been collected as purchasing prices and not sales prices as previously. Hereinafter, the price concept for imported goods are actual purchasing prices c.i.f. excl. all taxes and duties.

Classification system

The index is based on subgroups for earth work, asphalt work, concrete structures, iron structures, as well as sub-indices for traffic performance by lorries, and material and equipment. Moreover, an operating index and an index for construction of roads is published, the latter of which is composed of earth work, asphalt work and concrete structures.

Sector coverage

Civil engineering sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Material prices: The material prices are calculated on the basis of information gathered for the price index for domestic supply along with prices for traffic performance by lorries.

Until April 2004 the price concept was the actual producer or import prices excl. VAT. Actual prices means that both general discounts and actual discounts are offset in the price.

Since April 2004 the import prices have been collected as purchasing prices and not sales prices as previously. Hereinafter, the price concept for imported goods are actual purchasing prices c.i.f.* excl. all taxes and duties.

*Costs related to transportation and insurance of the transported goods (cost, insurance and freight).

Labor costs: The labor costs are calculated on the basis of the convention salary agreed upon by the Danish Construction Association and 3F (United Federation of Danish Workers) incl. social contributions. All indices are published both excl. and incl. unemployment benefits.

Weighting scheme for the cost index for road construction: The weighting scheme for the cost index for road construction is set up in cooperation with the Danish Road Directorate on the basis of an analysis of a range of finished road constructions. The indices for earth works, asphalt works and concrete structures are used directly in the calculation of the cost index for road construction. The three indices have weights of 38 pct. for earth works, 41,5 pct. for asphalt works and 20,5 pct. for concrete structures.

The weighting schemes for earth works, asphalt works, concrete structures and iron structures set up on the basis of analysis on finished an ongoing civil engineering projects after discussing the matter with the Danish Road Directorate, Danish Railways and the Danish Construction Association.

For all indices there are sub-indices for labor costs and a number of main cost components. These are not published but can be retrieved by contacting statistics Denmark.

Sub-indices for traffic performance by lorries is based on the price of a fixed service (Freight transport by road) as reported by selected transportation companies to Producer price index for Services (PRIS1515). The distribution of costs for this service is not known.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The population encompass prices on the material and labor costs required for civil engineering projects.

Reference area


Time coverage


Base period


Unit of measure

Index numbers and percentage changes.

Reference period

The Construction cost indices for civil engineering projects is compiled quarterly, i.e. the relevant index number is representative for costs in the relevant quarter.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Act concerning Statistics Denmark § 8, as subsequently amended (most recently by Act no. 599 of 22 June, 2000). Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of 19th May 1998 about business cycle statistics and the Commission Regulation (EC) No 588/2001.

Cost and burden

There is a miniscule direct response burden since most of the data are obtained from other statistics produced by Statistics Denmark.

For information about how the prices used in the Construction cost indices for civil engineering are reported, users are referred to the documentations of statistics for Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities and Producer Price Index for Services.


Further information on the cost index for civil engineering projects is available at the statistic's subject page or by contacting Statistics Denmark, Prices and Consumption.