Statistical presentation
Contact info
Population and EducationAnnemarie Schriver
+45 40 18 43 54
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Under construction.
Data description
Under construction.
Classification system
These statistics are compiled for all municipalities in Denmark.
Yearly rates of child-care are compiled for the following types of measure:
- Municipal day-care for children (0-2 years) incl. lunch
- Nurseries
- Municipal day-care for children (3-5 years) incl. lunch
- Kindergartens (3-5 years)
- Age-integrated institutions (0-2 years)
- Age-integrated institutions (3-5 years)
- Age-integrated institutions (6-9 years)
- Recreation centres (6-9 years)
- Recreation clubs (10-13 years)
- Clubs for juveniles (14-18 years)
- School-care schemes (6-9 years)
- School-care schemes (10-13 years)
- Lunch rates 0-2 years (2012-)
- Lunch rates 3-5 years (2012-)
Statistical concepts and definitions
Årstakst: Et årligt beløb på forældrebetaling til pasning minus betalingsfri måneder. Beløbet er fastsat pr 1. januar af kommunalbestyrelsen. Beløbet kan ændres i løbet af året og kan afvige fra forældrebetalingen pga. søskenderabat mv. Dækker beløbet ikke frokost fastsætter kommunen et særligt beløb for frokost. Er beløbet 0, er frokost med i den almindelige takst.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is child care institutions.
Statistical population
Under construction.
Reference area
Time coverage
These statistics cover the time period from 2007 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The unit is DKK.
Reference period
Under construction.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Under construction.
Cost and burden
Under construction.
For further information contact Statistics Denmark directly.