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Banks and mortgage-credit institutions

The statistics are an annual statement of the banks and mortgage-credit institutes total income statement, the number of banks and mortgage institutes, the number of employees in banks and the key figures for the entire financial sector.

Data description

These statistic include an annual statement of the aggregate income statement of banks and mortgage institutions, the number of banks and mortgage institutes, the number of employees in banks, and the long term savings schemes with deposit accounts. Income statements and deposit accounts are calculated in DKK millions. In addition, these statistics contain key figures for the financial sector in terms of balance in billion. DKK, number of companies and number of employees.

Classification system

These statistics follow Dansk Branchekode DB07. Banks and mortgage-credit institutes are usually registered in industry Financial and insurance activities.

Sector coverage

The financial sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Banking institution: Common denomination for banks and savings banks. The Danish sector for banks are characterized by a large number of smaller banks and few large banks who account for the majority of the market.

Mortgage-credit institution: Financial institution that provides loans against registered mortgages on the basis of issuance of mortgage bonds. Mortgage credit institutions are exclusively entitled to operate mortgage lending business in Denmark.

Statistical unit

The statistics are published for the legal entities by their CVR-number in Statistics Denmark's Business Registers.

Statistical population

Banks and mortgage-credit institutes activity.

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics covers the period from 2001 and onwards for insurance companies and from 2000 and onwards for pension funds.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Banks and mortgage-credit institutes profit and loss accounts and long term savings schemes with deposit accounts are measured in DKK million, number of employees and number banks. Financial sector main figures are measured in DKK billion.

Reference period

End of year

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

As all statistical information has been collected and published by other authorities, a special title is not needed. No EU-regulation.

Cost and burden

There is no response burden as the data is already published by the Danish FSA.


Additional information is available by contacting Statistics Denmark.