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Contact info

Population and Education, Social Statistics
Susanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79

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Adult education and continuing training

The users of the statistics includes individuals, civil servants, private organizations, foreign actors and the respondents of the data.

Applications: Public and private planning, Research, Education, Debate and Marketing etc.

One to two times a year members of a Danish committee on education (in Danish, "Kontaktudvalget for Uddannelse") meets. In connection with this meeting user-representatives from selected ministries, Labour market organisations and NGOs in the Education sector have the opportunity to comment on the statistics.

User Needs

  • Typical users: Individuals, Public service, Private Organisations, Foreign actors, and the respondents to the statistics
  • Typical use is: public and private planning, research, education, debate and marketing etc.

User Satisfaction

One to two times a year members of a Danish committee on education (in Danish "Kontaktudvalgetet for Uddannelse") meets. In connection with this meeting user-representatives from selected ministries, Labour market organisations and NGOs in the Education sector have the opportunity to comment on the statistics.

Data completeness rate

There is no EU regulations or guidelines for the statistics.