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Food IndustriesHenrik Bolding Pedersen
+45 20 57 88 87
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The figures are published in Nyt from Danmarks Statistik. The statistics is published in StatBank Denmark under Agricultural accounts statistics. Furthermore the numbers are published in an annual publicationpublication on agricultural accounts statistics. More information is available on the statistics subject page.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The figures are published in Nyt from Danmarks Statistik
Statistics Denmark publishes an annual publication "Regnskabsstatistik for jordbrug" Subject page for Agricultural Accounts Statistics.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject Agricultural accounts statistics in the following tables:
- JORD1: Financial results for all farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, region, standard, items and time
- JORD2: Financial results for full-time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, full years work, items and time
- JORD3: Financial results for part-time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, items and time
- JORD4: Family income for full-time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, items and time
- JORD5: Family income for part-time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, items and time
- JORD6: Key indicators for all farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, region, standard, items and time
- JORD7: Key indicators for all full time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, full years work, items and time
- JORD8: Key indicators for part time farms (average) by quartile group, type of farm, items and time
- JORD9: Energy consumption (average) by quartile group, type of farm, items and time
- JORD100: Accounts statistics in 100 years by type of farm, unit, items and time
Micro-data access
Researchers and students may, on request, gain access to data that are made anonymous at individual level, provided that a declaration of secrecy is signed.
The basic material is available from accounts databases. On the basis of data extracted from the databases, statistical files at individual level are created. Tables for publications are constructed on the basis of the statistical files.
More information is available in the statistics subject page where more detailed data is avaible in Excel files.
Confidentiality - policy
The accounts statistics follows: Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark .
Confidentiality - data treatment
Data are subjected to Statistics Denmark´s non-disclosure practice, when it is considered necessary. The data are published in a way which ensures that individual units cannot be identified.
Documentation on methodology
A brief description of methods is given in the annual publication (in Danish).
On the statistics subject page are a brief description of methods is given in different publications(in Danish).
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.